From Princess to Queen - An evolution of the Feminine

Shifting from Princess to Queen is an evolution of the feminine.

We all start out in Princess energy; the innocent maiden, waiting to be rescued, damsel in distress, stuck in fairytale, drops into victim consciousness when something doesn’t go her way, can play on helplessness, is overly needy, uses manipulation to gain a false sense of power, uses emotions to get what she wants and communicates with passive aggression.

Oh yes, I know my princess very well!

The majority of us will have Princess qualities and many will still be largely living from that energy. The Princess archetype tends to be how we were raised and conditioned to be. We are brought up to believe that love is something that we seek outwardly and we tend to hinge our own feelings of self worth on how others treat us, out sourcing self love. This in turn lends to adopting manipulative behaviours in order to get our needs met or sinking into victim consciousness to absolve ourselves of responsibility (‘why me?’ , ‘can’t believe that person would treat me like that’ etc). We grow by bringing these behaviours and states into conscious awareness and then choosing something different, choosing to mature into our Queen. It’s a process of personal growth and spiritual maturation.

The Princess often graduates into the Queen after have her heart shattered in to pieces or being ripped apart by some tragedy. A life changing event that forces us into the realisation that we are our own saviours.

And so, we grow into our QUEEN; a leader who knows what she wants. She’s in touch with her emotions and knows how to communicate and express them. The Queen builds her queendom and is in service to her community, leading from the heart. She has learnt how to develop and assert boundaries to protect her heart and honour her growth, she has gained wisdom from her pain and knows how to transmute any experience into empowerment.


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